I like to.. take my dogs running on the TRAILS, laugh my ass off with my Crazy FAMily, be the best i can be!, RESEARCH on all sorts of Business topics, watch SURF FILMS, mediate and PRAY, sew CUTE purses and Take photographs, learn from my past, continue to grow, Draw Cartoons, and go on ADVENTURES and Rolllerblade on campus, go on mini adventures to the metro-parks, avoid malls, swim in the rain, laugh with my roommates, trail run with my dogs, drink tea, crowd-surf, scrap-book, take photos, researching, going to libraries, helping people at my work and lots of other things!...
Before i die:
i want to TRAVEL the world to just connect with all sorts of people. I dont want to get rich or even have lot of power over people; I just want to connect with all types of people and help any way possible.
Please Vote on which photograph you like BEST, down below...This will help me figure out what the demand is to start my business..